i'm the seventh kercher kid

My photo
With a sombrero on my head, and Spanish-English dictionary in my hand, I am headed for Atotonilco, Mexico with plans to teach Escuela Biblia Vacaciones (or VBS in English), to help out with a music and a health camp, and to be part of the Mexican church down where I'll be staying! I'll be there for 2 months, and this is my blog, as they call it, to tell of all my adventures that I encounter.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Countdown

Well I'm not quite in Atotonilco yet...I still have 5 more days until I hop on board those Delta Airlines and fly away in the sky to my Mexico destination! My mom and I have gone on two ALL-DAY shopping trips, traipsing all over Portland one day to acquire all the clothing sides of things (a green pair of Chacos, a purple dress, and brown cargo pants being a few of them), and Salem on the next to hit Party Depot, Wal-mart and the Dollar Store for toys, balloons, prizes, and soap. On Sunday I'll be saying goodbye to some of my friends with a gawolloping ol' party at my house, and I fly out on Wednesday at 6:00am.

It's been so great getting ready for this whole trip. Everybody has helped me so much with all the different things I've needed. Mrs. Classen came to my house and gave me all kinds of Vacation Bible School supplies and some much-needed advice, Crystal sent me all her Spanish Sunday school songs that are colored beautifully and adorned with snazzy laminated covers, Maggie let me borrow her suitcase and took me out for coffee and gave all kinds of "missionary to missionary" kinds of tips like don't bring a big beach towel, and don't forget sunscreen and toenail polish. In addition, Staci met with me and helped me plan out my whole VBS curriculum, Mr. Chittick gave me not only an idea for a really great object lesson teaching God's love, but also packaged up and labeled all the supplies I will need to take for it!

So I know I'm not heading out alone, because my brothers and sisters in the Lord are the perfect example of what the body of Christ should be like, and everyone has already helped me so much, and will continue to help by all the prayers that they have pledged.

Thanks everyone!
